Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Landscape doodle

Need to practice environments more. The one of the left I worked on for probably almost 2hrs. I didn't like the way it was coming off. I felt like I was adding too many colors like I tend to do in my portraits >.<, but I was able to learn some stuff thanks to a good friend. So I spent close to a couple more hours working on it more. Picture on the right is the final doodle. I really really want to start painting from life more.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Figure drawing

Fourth time going to figure drawing in one week ^-^. I struggled  a lot with this session. My 30sec gestures were fine, but then we did two minute gestures for about an hour. By then I wanted to just rage quit because I was having so much trouble. We then started doing five minute gestures and was still having a lot of trouble. During the last half hour, I switched to a ball point pen and finally was able to make some decent drawings >.<

Done on Feb 24th. The model slept in so students went up and posed for 2min. Was fun doing clothes figures again.

20min or less? Just practicing using a set color palette without any ref.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Doodle doodle

Needed to do more paintings that are from my imagination. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quick paintings

Under 20min paintings(each) using 100% opaque brushes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

PRJ ._.

I'm not an animator, but this is what I'm working on in PRJ.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Studying and Sunny in Philadelphia

Painted for a bit while watching tv. Going for more realism because I need to practice that more. I also needed to practice painting the figure more instead of just a head bust xD. Will finish later.